The Ainigriv's collection of pictures and comics and songs and poetry

(while i'm thinking of a better name)

HEY!HEY YOU!You've already visited this page and you are like: "well this is lame, i've already seen everything here". WELL, THINK TWICE!
Now for you all an exciting new page of updates with a fancy-artstudentish name as The making of!

As an extrovert who's abruptly having lot of time alone (recently broke up with beloved bf) i figured out i had to find a way to share all the FEEEEEELINGSSSS i normally share with the closest one.

So i started drawing comics: very bad drawer, but drawers full of emotions and shit to tell! Non-native speaker so this pun that seemed genius to me probably it is not. Plus i got some cool analog pics you might wanna check.

i'm learnin html so i thought i might as well suggest something cool i found years ago, like this archive of over 4000 free movies of all genres

And another thing: the cat from coding class want me to learn how to put images on my site, so here's a painting from my favourite paintress Remedios Varo

Oy amigos, other stuff under the painting

dipinto di Remedios Varo

Now, what there'll be in this mish mash (i love this world)?